Chinese Character Practice – 你好!

Today I printed about 5 copies of Chinese character practice sheets focusing on 6 Chinese words, because now I kind of understand the Pinyin way better than I ever did and I don’t get that confused (just a little sometimes, I admit that!!!!)

Words in Focus






Those 5 words and 1 name I actually wrote all from my head, had some trouble with 名字 I wrote ‘孟子’ got a bit mixed up with the Pinyin ‘meng’ and ‘ming’ (:

Below for practice, I wrote these words and characters a few times in my NEW language notebook just for my Chinese (:

I know my writing is extremely untidy, big, and just very messy!!!! But its the first time I ever written in real Chinese characters so, I guess it was alright!!

may 26 060

Every time (in the future) when I post a picture of the Green notebook think ‘Chinese time!!’ because its my Chinese notebook ^^ the first one, so I will call this notebook my ‘Firstborn’ ㅋㅋㅋ

In the corner can you see I wrote ‘Hello I’m Kay’ in Chinese characters :

你好 我叫 Kay!

#Practice Sheets

may 26 061

and another :)

may 26 062

I want to keep my Chinese learning journey highly documented to the tee so I can look back on it one day!!!

再见!! (See you again!!)

它很难。learning Chinese

Oh! it really is difficult learning Chinese ㅠㅠ

Today just focused on learning a few phrases in Chinese some basic vocabulary words and tried to pronounce words but, eh, I think I need a bit more work on the pronunciation of Chinese words ^^ it really is one of the hardest languages ; but the more I learn the easier it will become (:

Next week for me is “Chinese learning week” I just made a week long dedication to study Chinese all of next week :D looking real forward to that (:

빙빙빙 my Chinese name is : 克里斯汀

Here are a few phrases I remember by heart ; will be studying more though ^^


Useful phrases

很高興見到你。 – Nice to meet you

你好。- Hello (the only word I know from memory)

嗨!- Hi (assuming this is just a slang term/ or borrowed English word)

早上好。- Good Morning

下午好。 – Good Afternoon

晚上好。- Good Evening

晚安。 – Good Night

你好嗎? – How are you?

That’s it ^^ all I know in Chinese, till next time on the subject of Chinese (: